Vim Commands

- 1 min


command function
vim -O [filename1] [filename2] open file1 & file2 simultaneously and split horizontally
vim -o [filename1] [fliename2] open file 1 & file 2 simultaneously and split vertically
:s/old/new replace old string with new string for the first case in the line
:s/old/new/g replace old string with new string for every case in the line
:%s/old/new/g replace old string with new string for every case in the file


key function
u undo
ctrl+r redo

Multi-line Operations

Block Insert

  1. Ctrl+v: select multiple lines

  2. I (capital i): insert mode

  3. insert the words

  4. Esc: after several seconds, the words are inserted to all selected lines

Block Delete

  1. Ctrl+v: select contents in multiple lines (with j, i, k and l)

  2. d: delete the selected contents

Kaixin Yang

Kaixin Yang


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